Alpha Build Ventures

Incubation and Acceleration of own Ventures

Our understanding of Venturing

The term Venturing is mainly used in the startup world and means as much as building a new company comparable to architects building new real estates. This structure is to be seen especially in the context of Company Building from the perspective of an investor.
Here it concerns above all strategic investors, who have expertise in the business of the company building object, such as corporate venture capitalists, diversification projects of incumbent enterprises or financial investors specialised on a related industry.

The best opportunities and deepest technologies drive us, we calculate risks and are ready to go the extra mile. We are entrepreneurs and know about the power of a high performance team that has a great idea.




The primary objective of Alpha Build is to create the highest possible quantitative AND qualitative value of the invested capital and effort. We act as a business architect incubating and accelerating sustainable ventures based on DeepTech.

By using our excellent, global network of investors, business angels, but also recognised research institutions and tech experts, we create valid business opportunities and resilient business models for the growth of our ventures.

We believe in businesses that that have the potential to fundamentally change existing industries and habits towards a better sustaibable future. Let’s find solutions and create offers together for the existing and upcoming challenges.




Alpha Build specialises in founding and financing new businesses for start-ups or newly growing ventures. To this end, Alpha Build takes an active role in the development, marketing and scaling of the newly created business opportunities. Alpha Build participates in several founding processes at the same time and, above all, contributes its scientific entrepreneurial expertise in addition to financial resources. Hence, Alpha Build establishes teams that drive the development of the respective new business forward and complement the initiating team. This leads to an acceleration of the learning process of the initiating team and to a steady growth of the new business for both start-ups and newly diversified corporate divisions.

Alpha Build invests in all development phases of startups and of DeepTech ventures. Alpha Build offers its portfolio companies not only financial resources, but also strategic and operational capabilities, as well as its access to an reliable, global network in a complementary manner.

In our ventures we participate in operational tasks and decide as a powerful joint team on the best next steps for a solid development and growth of the company.

Julian von der Neyen

Managing Director, Alpha Build GmbH

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Geyerstr. 48
80469 Munich

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(+49) 89 289 77 252

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